
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hurumanu 3 - Chaos: The Black Death

Following on after looking at several disasters that have occurred in history. We are then to focus on one of the most devastating disasters and pandemic that have surrounded the world; wiped 30% to 60% of Europe at the time, killing more than 50 million people. The outbreak is what I would say, in place, appropriate to what is happening to the world in this current time. Better know that we can examine and identify how it can spread and be able to [with or technology] spread what is happening and what we can do to prevent it. In this activity, we shall look at the timeline taht I have made in which puts in place some of the major and important events in our history. Containing 'The Black Death', wars, religious fights, discoveries and many parts of our past after the antiquity.
This will be an insight and will be the beginning of learning about the 'Great Plague'

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

Friday, March 20, 2020

HEC: Cupcakes

  Cup Cakes


  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp of vanilla essence
  • 2 tsp of baking powder
  • 1 1/2 cup flour
  • 2 eggs (7)
  • 125g butter/margarine
Another session of HEC has been finished, in this period we have created cupcakes. A simple, forward recipe, however baking it is a magical science. Much like what was made in the last session of Home Economics, Ginger Gems, butter was creamed along with the sugar. Butter is firstly softened before the adding of the sugar and then creaming. The butter is creamed until it is light and almost pale, fluffy; the egg is added, much like again, how Ginger Gems were done. In this case, two eggs are added on after another. The flour and the baking soda, are pre-sifted and are then mixed, but Folded, along with the rest of the mixture, simultaneously with milk, 1/3 of flour is added and the half of the milk; the steps are repeated until there are not more of the flour and the milk has vanished.
Folding is the technique of using a rubber spatula lifting some of the mixture and turning, putting it over the rest of the mixture to combine. This is continued until the mixture is mixed properly and lumps are not formed, creating a smooth batter. However do not over mix the batter as this can result in a dense texture, elastic gluten strands in the final product.

The batter, which is now, after the folding, is mixed and is smooth in texture, is placed on a cupcake baking tray that is prepared by placing cupcake liners in each of the indentations. Two spoons are used for this process both a tablespoon and a teaspoon/dessert spoon. Care fully the liners are loaded with the batter, making sure that none of the batters is outside of the liner and or on the metal. On an already preheated oven of 180oC, on bake, the tray is placed inside for approx. 6 min and then of fan bake for 6-8 mins.
The final product should be golden brown in colour and has been tested with a skewer [a skewer is directly inserted inside the biggest cupcake, after it has been inserted, it should be pulled out]. If the skewer is seen with the debris of the inside of cake it is not cooked yet. However, if it is inserted and pulled out with none of the debris/uncooked batters, it is cooked. 
It is then left to cool outside of the oven, for approx. 5 min or less, and then be cooled once more out of the tray and onto a cooling rack.

The icing was achieved on after the date that the cupcakes have been cooked. The session, as mentioned, included the icing of the cupcakes. The icing was a buttercream icing composed of 150g of butter, 2 cups of icing sugar and 2-3 Tbsp of milk; which was not created by us but by our teacher [was multiplied according to the number of students]. The icing was then given and parted into our groups, then deciding the flavour of the icing--which was then given unflavoured--and also deciding the colour of the icing--previously uncoloured.
The icing process followed, and then the decoration, m&ms, liquorice, etc.
The cupcake itself had a pleasing texture, it was moist enough to be soft inside; the flavour that has been incorporated in the cupcake [vanilla] had a slight hint, an effect that is noticed but did not overpower. Same can be said for the flavour of the icing which we decided to be as orange, the sweetness of the icing sugar complemented with the again slight hint of the orange. The colour was wonderful, it was pale pink, much like a rosebud, creating the mind-boggling effect of having the colour not being connected to the flavour.
It was not a much too complicated recipe, again as mentioned almost similar to what has been achieved in the previous week, adding only several steps. The next steps I would say would be just a touch more accurate in the measuring of teh batter in the lining, however, in my opinion, that would come naturally with experience.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Moving on from enterprising and entrepreneurship, money is the next topic that we have moved on into. In the first session, we have been starting to learn more about money; however to understand money deeply and to fully lean the 'secrets' and deep knowledge of it we need to know the basics. By means of learning what money is, what is money, why do we use money, how is the money used, why it is used?  We were tasked with explaining what we have learned in this session, a video was used to further understand the meaning of money. Link

There are many questions that surround the topic of money, being that money is fundamental to an organized society; using money as we have been having for the last millenniums, is what make us be as sophisticated as we are now. Previous to the usage of money a bartering system was used instead this made it more complex as the item and the value of certain objects were not set. When 'money' came the prices were set making exchange and trade of products and good simpler than what it used to be.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Hurumanu 3: Chaos - Mount Vesuvious

With this week the individual tasks that we are set with continues; however by this time, the activity that we have chosen is the eruption of "Mount Vesuvius". The disaster in Pompeii that occurred almost 2 thousand years ago; an eruption and a disaster which killed thousands of people as well, that were not only in Pompeii but in other neighbouring cities. Covering much of what the city was, destroying many constructions on the city; however, after its discovery, the history of Pompeii has been preserved. Making it known what the stories of this disaster have to tell. The rich culture in which the people possessed before the disaster.

Image result for mount vesuvius

Hurumanu 3: Chromatography

Day 1 Experiment

Aim: To separate the colours by pigments.

Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that the pigments that are used, secondary colours such as violet, purple, green will contain and will have the separated primary colours that are mixed to create the secondary, thirdly colours,

Discussion: The first experimented colour that we used was purple and pink, the purple pigment as hypothesized being that it is a secondary colour it contained red and blue.  The pink, simultaneously done with purple showed some resemblance to orange as well as red. Explaining that the darker colours the more pigment needed making it have a more variety of colours rather than a primary colour

Friday, March 13, 2020

BST: Kiwi Ingenuity

In this session of our BST, we are again once more looking at 'Kiwi Ingenuity'; however, in this case, we are looking at a question which asks, 'How does Kiwi ingenuity benefit New Zealand as a nation'. To answer this question we need to look at several factors that make this possible, do we even benefit from it? To simply answer, yes we benefit from this a lot; Kiwi ingenuity helps this country [New Zealand] develop, there are several things that have made NZ known to the world. One of my opinions has made us, NZ known is, Bungee jumping. A.J Hackett invented and introduced the commercial Bungee jumping. Which is quite well known today, thousands of people coming to this country, with the reason being that they want to experience Bungee jumping. We benefit from this as because of this the GDP of New Zealand has become larger and larger; this supports our human development, giving us a better way of life. Education is given to us, free health care to an extent, our security and our political structure are better. Having a better government, a better life, the benefits are almost endless!
Image result for who invented bungee jumping nzImage result for human development

HEC: Ginger Gems

Ginger Gems:


150g of butter
2 tsp of ground ginger
1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 tsp of ground cinnamon
2 Tbsp of golden syrup
1 egg
2 cups of standard flour
1/2 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of baking soda 
1/2 cup of milk

Ginger gems have been the second HEC project that we have done. Again, firstly, which took place was the "mise en place" which again, was the arranging of the ingredients to be ready for cooking, in this case for baking. We have arranged all the ingredients separately and as a team, contributing as much as one another. The first essential part of making this recipe possible is the creaming of the 100g of butter. Which we mistakenly used a whisk instead of a wooden spoon to achieve. 
It was a malfunction, however, having been helped to solve the problem by taking out the butter and putting the bowl in a bath of warm water, so that the butter would warm up and soften; making it easier to cream the butter as well as the other ingredients as well [sugar, ground ginger, ground cinnamon].

Golden syrup was then added and the egg was beaten so that it is properly incorporated with the creamed mixture. Flour and baking powder was mixed and sifted in. It is then folded over simultaneously with the milk until the mixture has turned into a batter. In this recipe, we used a muffin tray, heated up in the oven on 200oC degrees. The tray is then taken out of the oven and the remaining 50g of butter was then cut and put in the several sections of the tray. Unbeknown to us the recipe we haven't read it properly and as carefully as we could've; and all 150g of butter has been put in a single container. It wasn't noticed until the process has been almost/beginning to start, however, our team having prior knowledge about some parts in this process, it was then noticed that we have had 3 slices of butter each equally to 50g, we then took off a slice and problem solved.
The batter was then separated into the several sections of the tray and was cooked for approx 15-17 mins. A huge next step will be reading the recipe and questioning being more attentive.

The result had a soft texture in the middle. Steaming and moist, it had the complimentary taste of the spice of the ginger and cinnamon to the sweetness of the sugar. An amazing recipe, that I would recommend recreating. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Chemmicals and Chaos: Evaporation experiment

Evaporation Experiment

Aim: Our aim is to separate a mixture using evaporation copper sulfate.

Hypothesis: The hypothesis is that after boiling the copper sulfate we should be left with solids in which will technically be the solute of the mixture. The soluble solids in the mixture will be separated from the solvent after the evaporation process has been completed.

Equipment: Copper sulfate solution, 250mL Beaker, heatproof mat, evaporating basin, element. 


  • Set up element
  • Add 50mL of hot water to the beaker and place on the element.
  • Add copper sulfate to the evaporating basin until it is quarter full.
  • Carefully, place the evaporating basin on top of the beaker. 
  • Turn on the element to 8
  • Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated and crystals of solute are forming. 
  • Turn off the element- careful not to touch as will be hot for a long time.


Before: The water in the beaker is steady and is near the room temperature, the same can be said for the mixture.

During: During the process of evaporation,  the temperature has risen significantly. The began to boil and the mixture on the basin began to simmer. The gas released by the mixture has a smell that can be compared or described as burning plastic. The amount of liquid is slowly but surely beginning to lessen. 

After: Crystal can be seen left behind form the solution; the crystals otherwise known as the solute are formed. The smell of the evaporating gas has weakened, or have either gone; the warmer is slowly cooling as the heat is taken out.


As hypothesized above, the solution [copper sulfate] has separated and evaporated. The solvent of the mixture has evaporated and left behind the solute. The solute is the crystals that again, were left in the result of having been heated and evaporated. When the temperature of the mixture, in the beaker as well as in the basin. The particles in both the water and the solution, have greatly moved faster as the temperature rose. It then steadily kept the high temperature up until the mixture has fully evaporated.


In conclusion, the hypothesis of having the solution evaporated and the solute staying in the basin is correct. As we have experimented, many mixtures can be separated by using the same method. This not only occurs inside a laboratory, like what has taken place in this experimentation. But occurs natural environment as well, evaporation constantly reoccurs every second, the sun, ray of heat and energy hits the face of our oceans. That causes the water to evaporate, condense and later then precipitate and all over again. Evaporation is all around us, we just need to "stop and smell the roses" is what it takes to see. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Hurumanu 8: Health - Mental Well-being

The following sessions that we have been having in our 8th hurumanu are learning more about our wellbeing. How each part of our te whare tapa wha, is connected to each other, we have been focusing on a different one in each several sessions that we have been in this subject. Last session, as well as this current session, have been focusing on our 'mental health'. We are tasked with researching a fair amount to understand some parts of our 'mental health'. There were several topics that we were presented with to be able to focus on; the topic that I picked to look into more is 'stress', a feeling that can be felt more than we can count during our lifetime. It can be beneficial, yet can be the opposite as well. How it affects our well being is what I looked upon, the damage it could potentially give, 'chronic stress', what it could lead into and what it means. Focusing as well on how stress can occur, what environment it needs to occur, how much is too much?

Image result for stress

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Business Studies: Products to be Improved

The past few sessions on our BST Business Studies were spent in trying to think like an entrepreneur. A way of being "like" an entrepreneur was improving and thinking of better ideas, products that we could improve upon. We had several ideas or products that we think could be enhanced and make better; however, two have in our opinion have stood out. (The activity was done in groups at our table); an idea that a group member has thought about was a digital table, however, after some friendly-argument disagreement, it was decided on that it wasn't such a good idea. For one the amount of money needed for making such a product would've been huge, also it wasn't as versatile as we would like. There were several more, however, again, as mentioned there were two that stood out for us.

The first one is that we wanted to change/improve the function of an adaptor; being that at times we buy electronics from other countries, it is almost unavoidable that the plug would be needing an adaptor. However, we as a group have experienced that universal adaptors do not work all of the time. That leads us to the idea of making an adjusting adaptor; the power connector can be adjusted to the type of socket, not only the plug holes of the adaptor can also be adjusted. Which then makes the product, "The Real Universal Adaptor".

Secondly, which is also the last, is that we found that biodegradable bins can also be changed for the better. This idea came from learning about the 3 R's, the biodegradable bin is portable and easy to store. But the main idea of this product is so that organic materials are broken down; by breaking biodegradable foods it turns them into a more efficient fertilizer. The processed [by means of a metal elesi/ "like fan blades"] biodegradable material that are not needed any more, orange/fruit peels, scraps of food are made into fertilizer that can be beneficial to making a garden, making rich soil and for farming. "Bio-Lizer".

Monday, March 9, 2020

Chemicals and Chaos- Chaos: Tsunami

There have been many tsunamis that have hit the surface of this planet, the size of the tsunamis that we have experience vary in size. The Alaskan Tsunami, which occurred on Lituya Bay, Alaska, July 9, 1958. Is the biggest ever recorded by far; millions and millions of trees that were near the shore of the bay were wiped and were pulled out from their roots. The tsunami is considered as a mega-tsunami, 30 million cubic metres of rock fell and cause the disaster that we have recorded in history today.  From city near the bay--Yakutat--  a water tower collapsed, cabin destroyed which is then beyond repair. Two fishermen died in the disaster after they have been caught in the gigantic wave. In this activity, we began to scale and be able to compare the size of the mega-tsunami to be able to understand the impact that it gave.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

BST: Business Studies: Evaluating "Kiwi Ingenuity" ideas

In this class, for several sessions have been looking at "Kiwi Ingenuity", some ideas that Kiwis have thought of that may, or may have not been the best. We took a look at several different ideas such as the "Van boat", "The Cycle Mower", "Spreadable butter", etc. However, there is an idea which I found to be the most beneficial, especially in a country such as New Zealand. New Zealand has at times unpredictable weather, getting sometimes, too hot, and too cold. One idea that has come up in what we were evaluating is, the 'Kathmandu products'; clothing made from those brands are quite helpful, keeping the body temperature comfortable. Can be used for humid weather, cold weather, and even warm weather. Bags made from such brands are, designed very fit to the terrain outdoors, in the mountain, hills; as well, as being balanced and very durable.

However, aside from that, there is also an idea that I found to not rate as high as what I have done to the 'Kathmandu products', it's the 'Hedge Trimmer'. It may sound as if it is a great product, yet, seeing the design and how it is made; I was anxious even just looking at how it's used. The 'Hedge Trimmer' is a mix between a 'Land Mower, Tractor' and a crane. The crane held up 'Land Mower, Tractor' and was used to trim the top of the hedge. In my opinion, it not only is a dangerous product but is also an uncontrollable/hard to control product; it takes extremely great cooperation from both the drive of the mover as well as the crane.

Moving on, there are also some ideas which I believe would capture the imaginations of people from other countries. One of them is the 'Mountain Buggy', a type of pram that is made from rougher terrains, for parks, rocky places, etc. It is designed to have bigger wheels than its competitors. Another idea that I found interesting is the 'Spreadable Butter', to able to spread the butter on the go, a much faster way than heating up the butter in a microwave, the 'Spreadable Butter' keeps the texture of the butter as well as the taste. These are in my opinion to be ingenious ideas to capture the imaginations and the ingenuity of other people from other countries.

Image result for kathmandu productsImage result for kiwi ingenuity

PE Hurumanu Athletics scores


Shot Put
Before: 10m     After 12.5m
Before: 15m     After: 26m
High Jump
Before: 120cm After: 120cm
Long Jump
Before: 1.2m  After 2.5m
100m Sprints
Before: 16.42 After: 12
Long Distance (400m, 1500m)
200m: 31sec  1500: 3.54min

Discus Techniques:

  1. Roll your small finger.
  2. wrap 4 fingers around it.
  3. Stand side on the line
  4. 1 wind-up(not 3)
Athletics: High Jump

Fosbury Flop
  1. Land with your arms and your feet facing up. Land on your back.
  2. When you take off it should be pon 1 foot.
  3. When you leave the ground you must spin around and use your knee to turn.
Long Jump:
  1. Run up is 21 steps.
  2. Take off will be from the second marker.
  3. Land will be measured from the back of the foot.
  4. Land on both feet together.
  5. If you are over the second marker when you jump, its a fowl jump.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Chemicals and Chaos: Chaos-9/11 Disaster

Moving on after the 'Zombie Apocalypse' disaster, fictional, we then moved on to a disastrous true event that occurred on the 11th of September, 2001. A very sorrowful disaster that changed the process of how the world is now, taking the lives of many, many innocent civilians not aware of what was about to happen to them. Unreplaceable lives were taken, for a sole reason of terrorism; rage, sorrow, unacceptance, what we people all around the world felt on that day, and many many years after. This tasks required us to from the timeline of what happened, before, during and after the disaster took place. A series of mixed emotions were felt in writing and completing this task, truly, truly such miserable and malevolent act that we cannot turn back the time to stop.