
Friday, July 28, 2017

W.A.L.T tell 24 hour time

This is my video teaching you guys the 24 hour time if you don't know it yet. It is very easy to learn it, just like how you learn 12 hour time. Anyway I how you will learn it if you already haven't.

Friday, July 7, 2017

No Sun by James Brown

W.A.L.T create a presentation that gives a visual recount of a poem.
W.A.L.T read fluently.

This week in reading we looked at poem and as a group of two or three to read it. We chose a poem titled "No Sun" . It was fun reading it with my group/friends and it was fun reading it in a Darth Sidious voice. The processes was fun too, we had many bloopers. Anyway here are the videos.

This video is Vann, Jullien and I reading the poem

This one is made by me in my normal voice

Then for the Star Wars fans I tried to do the voice of Darth Sidious

"My 6 words challenge"

W.A.L.T to write a 6 word story
I know I will be successful when I choose my words carefully, do they...
  • Capture the mood
  • Capture the message
  • Capture the setting
  • Does it make sense
This week in writing we've been learning about doing the 6 word challenge. It is a challenge where you make a story only using 6 words. It is challenging, because you have to choose you words carefully, and make sure it sounds right. But on the other end it's fun making them. I did four kinds of 6 words topic. The first one is about a video that we watched, the second and third one is about two of the three pictures that our teacher showed us and the last one is about a random topic. Here they are.

  1. 6 words challenge for the Mountain topic:
Dreams are arduous as climbing Everest.

Climbing only one mountain isn’t enough.  

By the way, here is the video!

    2 . 6 words challenge for the third picture.
        Jumped into a hole, to abyss.

    3. 6 words challenge for the second picture.
Watching as two legendary beast clash.

    4.  6 words challenge for the random topic:
         Intelligence, ability to adapt to change.

Zombies, creatures, dead in many ways.
Today is my day - Mr.Wednesday (If you know Norse mythology, Wednesday means Woden, and Woden means Odin, the father of Thor and Loki)
Abaddon, ugly monster he is. ( Abaddon -A demon that is as powerful as Satan)


W.A.L.T create a model that shares something we have learnt about our mystery

This term as you all know we've been learning about mysteries around the world. Also I talked about making a sculpture on another blog post that I made about my mystery. Here it is! Vann, Jullien and I made these sculptures, they we're fun and also hard to make. But they turn out to be great. We needed to shape the head of the "alien" using paper with glue then when we thought it was good enough, we started to paint it. Yet when we started to paint it we saw some huge bumps. What we did then was got some tissue and paint to stick them too the body and head to cover the lumps, and it worked! Then after that we just added some details to it.  Anyway here are some photos of them.

The alien

The crash site

Our photo with both of the sculptures


The "UFO" and the "alien"

The droplets of paint was supposed to be his "blood"

another picture with the "alien" and Vann

A picture of Jullien and I painting it.