Day 4, Teaser Week:
Activity 3: Choose your own
Here is your chance to choose your own scientist, technologist or inventor who you think has changed the world. Be creative - there are no right or wrong choices!
"For this activity, choose one person and read all about them."
On your blog, provide us with:
The name of the person
A description of the work they do/have done
An explanation of how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others
The person that I have chosen is Leonardo Da Vinci, which in my opinion is one of the greatest philosophers, artist and inventors of all time. Many of his works are celebrated today as masterpieces of the renaissance. He is highly, very highly regarded as a "universal genius" or the "Renassaince Man".
He has contributed to many of the what we know today, anatomical parts of the body, he has also conceptualized, the glider, parachute, helicopters as well as landing gears. His paintings such as the "Mona Lisa", "The Last Supper" and many more are regarded as masterpieces; contributing highly to the move of the renaissance as well. He has helped to shape the art world, the medical world and the engineering world in his lifetime.