
Thursday, July 30, 2020

HEC: Pita Pockets

Pita Pocket


  • Cheese
  • Tomato(es)
  • Onion
  • Ham 
  • Lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Hummus, condiments
In the first practical lesson of this semester, we started off with quite a simple recipe that is, Pita Pockets. A product that does not need any cooking, basically like a sandwich. First, always, what is done before any assembling is the mise en place as usual. The ingredients that have been listed a top is settled and cut accordingly. The tomato cut into reasonable prices that fit inside of the pita bread, the carrots peeled and grated so is the onion and cheese. 
After the cutting and preparation had been completed, the next step was to layout the bread and make an insition around 1cm off the edge of the bread, this is then progressed into a curved, moon shape, that is around 1/3 the length of the bread. Form the insition cut, which then resembled a "pocket" it is then stuffed with the rest of the ingredients. Before the others, the round ham is placed in the bread and spread accordingly. Followed by the onions, carrots, cheese, cheese, lettuce and then the condiments. The nozzle of the bottle was inserted in the pocket in which it was then squeezed to provide some moisture to the bread.
The only find step into making the 'Pita Pocket' was to plate, meaning to present in a way that is appetizing.

Finally, it was then consumed. The taste was quite nice, I expected a rougher taste as raw onions have been placed; however, it was not as such and only provided a mild taste that was fitting for this certain recipe. The carrots and lettuce provided a mixture of flavour that was refreshing, combined with the cheese and ham, the dryer more savoury ingredients went well together. At last, the condiments that I have placed, which was only ketchup, gave it that needed moisture from all of the dry ingredients, like a jigsaw puzzle it was all piece together in harmony to give good flavour, texture and taste.
The only change that I would like to make is maybe giving the pita bread a nice toast and colour on both sides to give a slight crunch.

Veggie Pita Pocket | Kraft What's Cooking


Hurumanu 6: Parties and Leaders

In this hurumanu, we continued with politics, however, in this case, we join both of the class groups to start our main topic of this term. The topic is regarding parties and party leaders; for the start, each of the key points is given to us with information. Each is described and well detailed; from there we began to look at creating parties. As this then will lead into "making" a prime minister of teh class after debates and votes of each for the set candidates of each party. The first of the tasks required to build a party of max. 4 people; creating a party name, electing a party leader, creating a slogan as well as creating policies. This session we have complete all of teh tasks that were given and have shown the teacher. In the coming session, we will begin to work on a manifesto and an upcoming leader speech.

J.U.A.N: Justice.Unity.Action.Nimbus
Slogan: All 4 JUAN - JUAN 4 All

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

How to Vote: Infographic

In the last sessions that we have been spending hurumanu 6, we have begun to look at how we vote. This means that what are the requirements for us to be able to vote. For this, we have to make an infographic which shows and answers, how to enrol, how to vote and how the votes are counted. Enrolment is necessary for people to be able to vote, one would need citizenship or a permanent resident visa. Information about the person is to be inserted in the form for enrolment and submitted. For voting, one must go into an establishment where voting is available, they can be in malls, libraries and so on. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

HEC: Word Art

Returning into one of my chosen subjects, in this case, HEC, we started into our first task. For the first week of this term, as usual, no practicals are done, however, we do have a theory. In the theory lessons, we began to look at nutrients; this is creating to our main topic this semester in this subject, "Survival". This then will be a course into which we are "stuck" on an island, and by completing tasks we are given items that will help us to survive. We are to do our best and make efforts to have the best chances and advantages in this topic, by completing challenges, as mentioned, we are given advantages. However, it is not only that we would gain, but also prizes. Varying in each challenge. There will be tasks that will be said beforehand and there are those who will be given on the spot and on the right time.

After talking about the main topic of this lesson we are then given a task of reviewing and reinterpreting what we have learnt in the last semester, for those who have chosen this subject again. For others, however, they would need to research and think about the answers to give.  the questions were in regards to, hygiene, safety and food safety that are at most importance when in the kitchen. Then it came to be that we need to make a word art on about the three topics and post in on our blog which is currently this one.

Photo Research: Art

For the second semester, I have chosen art as one of my choices for my subjects. In art, we are beginning to learn more about photography; the many different types and method in which a photo can be taken. For our task, we are to research about the methods that were given us and provide an insight and an almost summary of the method.  One of the first methods that I began to look at was Photogenic Drawing.
Also called a Salt Print, is a method in which required a prolonged exposure time in a camera so that a photogenic negative is produced. Which then after a negative has been created it can be used to create positive photogenic prints. A sheet of writing paper is washed with salt and dried; the other side is then sanitized with silver nitrate on one side. The sanitized side is then placed with direct contact to the negative glass printing frame. Then exposed, glass side up to sunlight up until the desired density of the print.

This was invented by William Henry Fox Talbot.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

End of Life Act: Referendum

After the discussion about the Cannabis and about legalizing it we then move on to the next referendum that is being issued in these times. Which is the 'End of Life Act', a bill that legalizes assisted suicide? However, there are a lot of criteria that are needed to be accomplished for it to be approved, an example, a person should suffer from a terminal illness and are likely to die in 6 months.  There are many more strict criteria to be approved of this, as this choice is indeed a very serious one as it relates to the wellbeing and life of a person.
The debate caused many to criticize this as it could go against many of the values and religion of the people that live in New Zealand. However, I believe that this bill should be passed on as a law. Though again, respecting the values and religion of people is fundamental, however, these values and beliefs are not for all people. It should be taken into consideration the amount and the other of the population that is suffering from such pain. They should not be robbed of their choice for their lives. As it has been said, these beliefs and values should be taken with a grain of salt. As there are also positives for the bill, again as mentioned it gives you a choice about your life and how it ends; as well as not needing to prolong the suffering of a person or persons. We should consider the lives of people, more especially their decision about their own lives.Euthanasia and assisted dying rates are soaring. But where are ...

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Cannabis Referendum 2020

In this session of our 6th Hurumanu, we begin to look at a referendum that is debated around this time. It is the 'Cannabis Referendum', voting of if Cannabis should be legalized. Cannabis, commonly known as Marijuana, is a psychoactive drug, primarily used for medicinal as well as 'recreational' purposes. Legalizing the use of this may have its own amount of positive as well as negative effects. Some of the more positive side of this would be, more income to the country, we then know who supplies this cannabis, creating more jobs as well as being able to know what is being bought. It also has its share of negative effects which might sprout in this legalization. It could possibly cause a person to act upon bad deed, addiction and it might not at all stop illegal buyers and suppliers.
What we know about the cannabis referendum in 10 easy questions ...
Personally, in my opinion, I believe that it should indeed be legalized. Most of the reasons why we have "bad" information upon this substance are because of rumours that have sprouted from discrimination or the "kind of people" that uses it. It has also been proven several years ago that this is not as dangerous as it seems. Not only that but, the increase of tax, would be put into better use and could boost the economy, especially in these times.

Monday, July 6, 2020

BST: Final Activity: Production Line

For the last activity in our BST class, for this, we need to research about the "Assembly Line". It is a method of production and manufacturing in which the product is brought upon a line. The line--moving--would have a many different "stations" which would then have workers adding gradually to make a whole product. One of the major examples where this occur are in factories, where one station may place a part of the product, which might need a bolt to attach it. That is where the other station comes in, it could put the bolt in and the process moves on and repeats.
For this I have created a presentation, a comic strip in which shows the production line, as well as an example of industries that uses it.

There are 3 pages:

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Hurumanu 6 : Protest Movements

The following tasks are the ultimate for the Hurumanu 6. This time we focus on several types of protests. In which also we learn about the 2 types of protest, from the peaceful as well as the revolutionary. This can include, the women suffrage protest which was about the rights for women to vote which was a revolutionary movement that made New Zealand d into the first-ever country that have let women the rights to vote. From a list of protests, I have chosen this topic which is "Protest against nuclear testing in the pacific" a protest against countries that included New Zealand as one of its protestors.

Protest against nuclear testing in the pacific

Find out what happened: It was then just after the Second Worlds War (2nd of September 1945) was when the United States, joined with allies, from the French to the British; tested nuclear weapons along the region of the pacific.  New Zealand observed and its Royal New Zealand served then as weather ships for the British tests. On the year of 1963, the British, American as well as the soviets discussed and agreed with New Zealand signing a treaty to stop and ban the atmospheric tests. Among the countries who did not sign were India, China as well as France.

A protest broke out which New Zealand was involved in, it was over the French nuclear testing several years after the treaty was signed. It was when the French started to tests its nuclear weapons over Polynesia. The focal point --Mururoa-- for the test as well as the opposition. 1972 was then teh year that Green peace vessels sailed over the test sites. Which then the following year, New Zeland as well as Australia, governments,  took the French to the International Court of Justice to attempt in banning the test. However, the ruling was ignored.

Who was involved?: New Zealand; Australian; French; government.

Why were they protesting?:The protest that broke out was about when the French government testing their nuclear weapons over the Pacific. When proper measures and ruling were taken, it was ignored. This sparked further conflict.

What was the outcome?:  In the year of 1974, when the new President aléry Giscard d’Estaing, then orders and said for the test to be moved underground. In the same time, while the testing was still made, focused, Mururoa on an anti-nuclear movement. It was only then in 1995 was the final series of weapons were to be tested in Mururoa.

Pacific rift: When nuclear tests made France a dirty word