Within our Hurumanu 1, we have bee learning about sustainability. Looking at different ways into which sustainability can be claimed. We have also looked at sustainability that is in regards into the 'Global warming'. Thereafter we then look at the several aspects of being sustainable. And so, we have been tasked with defining the aspects that have been mentioned, as well as being able to understand what we have discussed about. These are the aspects that have been defined, learned and understood.
The three aspects of sustainability: Definitions
Environmental Sustainability: Environmental sustainability--mainly the act to maintain the living beings such as animals, plants and natural resources of our planet.
Social Sustainability: Creating as well as maintaining the equality across groups and generations. Systems of citizen agreement, discussions of the positive and negative impacts in our communities and building from those and creating a better society.
Economic Sustainability: By this is it meant that the taking as well as the usage of our resources at a safe rate. Doing so would guarantee the same resources would be still used after the and in the future generations.
Sustainable Development: Economic development is a conducted progress that is without the excessive diminution of natural resources.
Definition and meaning:
Bearable: Resources are shared and provided equally between social groups.
Viable: The environment must be used in a way that provides for ongoing economic needs.
Society's use of the environment must not be destructive.
The three pillars of sustainability

Within our topics, we began to understand the terms that are used in such subjects. Further discussing the previous 3 aspects of sustainability. We look at examples where it connects to each other. What do these aspects affects? Through this, we then began to look at understanding keywords that would relate to such. As we look at these words we look at again, defining and finding the meaning of each of the words. Then we arrange the said words into their definition and then colour code them.
With the colour coding, we have been presented with 3 colours that we can use into subjecting these terms into their respective places. The colours represent what we think is happing through such. With being that we think it is getting worse, orange no better nor worse and green as getting better. Most I have created as being red, though there is a choice that I am not quite as sure, with the first choice. I think that indeed many species are getting endangered, but every day there are several species are being extinct, though most are bacteria. However, with the rate of extinction, I do not think that it is changing though with teh endangered (major) animals that can soon change.
Marine Resources
What are the main aspects of your topic?
Over Exploitation
Pollution of the sea
Ocean dumping
Ocean Acidation
Oil spills
Global warming
Marine life
Marine ecosystems
What are the causes?What are the effects?
Causes in which Marine resources are on danger are as such; overexploitation, the overtaking of resources for consumption such as marine life. The amount of resources that are taken from the sea can and will affect the circle of life and the balance of nature. This could mean that by making and taking of a vastly large amount of a certain type of species would mean its extinction; not only that but another type of species that is reliant on it as well.
Pollution to the sea, that incudes ocean dumping, the tons of garbage that are put in our ocean create a hazard for the marine life that resides within the area. It has been reported that in a lot of such areas, ocean life that has been caught in such, inside of the stomach contains plastic that has been eaten as a result of this pollution.
Similarly, the with pollution of garbage comes oil as well. The spilling and pollution of oil to the water and the surrounding corals and sea life poses grave danger to the future of the area. Not only that but for the generation of marine life that will live in that area.
Global warming is another cause for danger surrounding the land but as well as marine life around the world. Even the slightest change in temperature affects how the ecosystem functions, not only that but as well the habitat in which species reside will be altered as well. Speaking of, ocean acidification is connected to this topic as well. The carbon dioxide that is placed in our atmosphere can be absorbed by the waters, this can cause the ocean to have an abnormal amount of acidity. This can cause the water to be like a poison to marine life, the constant acidification would make it impossible for most marine life to survive the oceans.

Concluding this idea, after the research has been completed we have been able to create this graph along with my partner. We have looked at several questions and inquiries about the topic surrounding the marine life. We have to look at them individually and looking at the data that is compiled about the questions. However, for most of the inquiries that we have looked at we have not found proper data that can be converted into a pleasing graph. We moved and discussed other wondering that we could be able to do. Varying from, what does, global warming, pollution and over-exploitation does to the marine life? What are the most affected marine animals? However, from all of the questions that we have drafted, we chose the one which states, asks, 'What country over-fished the most?
For which we have gotten and analyzed the data for. So far in our data, we have understood that the country that has overexploited the most is China. As with such we can understand and inferred that much of the species of fishes in the country are in danger. Which is followed by Peru which is about 3 million tons lower.
For the final project of this semester, we are to create an object that is meant to relate mainly to sustainability. after the writing of the essay, we look at some of the other parts of the being sustainable. For this, we look at aspects such as environmental relating to species of animals, them being endangered, how we are able to prevent to do so. A game is created for this purpose, meant to inform whilst playing and enjoyment. our group have chosen to manufacture a game for the reasons of it being physically interactable. It also connects to social sustainability, helping to bind and unite people together. We thoughts of many ideas ranging from a card game to a board game, hence we combined and took inspiration from games that have been played before by us. Thinking of a title of the game, again there were ideas but we have thought that they have not been creative enough and by snap decision we took a play of words with the use of our own language we come up with "Climaticus the Big Bangus". We created cards using printing, creating the board with a strong type of cardboard that is appropriate for such tasks. With the playable characters, however, we were to 3D print but some malfunctions have occurred and so we will just use resources that we can to do so.
The cards needed for the game does have some areas for modification, like the logo at the back but it has been an enjoyable experience.