In the duration of the year, we have created several pieces of work that compiles to the big idea of writing. Throughout, these text have been varying, with one as obvious, a Narrative --creative writing-- whereas the other two are essays. The text varies in not only contents but in style. In which words and phrases often differentiate. These changes occurred suddenly across the term, subjects with of the term vary. These texts are created as a task for completing a topic, in one of the terms, we had to make a visual text, rather than written.
The texts are arranged by their date of completion with the latest --One Hundred Years of Solitude. I have enjoyed adapting and experiencing the many different media of writing and exploring the vast genres. So far the latest is one that I enjoyed writing extremely. I consider reading for anyone who haven't, to read the book, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez.
Creative Writing: Marlow McRroy
Close Viewing Essay: Power of One
Written Text Essay: One Hundred Years of Solitude