I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
The Day of Athletics...
Yesterday, 28th of November we did Athletics in our school. Some of the things that we did was, sprints, long distance running/jogging, high jump, shot put, discuss and long jump; of course we also had rest time. All/most of the students, from junior to senior participated in every sport, we all showed resilience when things got hard for me I think the hardest ones we're the jumping sport because I don't really jump that high or long. But I did do a pretty good job at the long distance, sprint, shot put and discuss; I even got on the finals. In the discuss we had the finals today for the 11 year old boy and I threw the furthest, which felt good because I never expected it, the first throw that I did was 17. 6 meters and the second one was more further than my first one but I forgot how much further it got. I will practice more to get better if I ever do it next year. But anyway I hope that you liked my reflection about the Athletics day, have a nice day, bye!
Friday, November 24, 2017
The Story of "The Devil's Brother" and The Golden Age of Piracy
This term we started to make information reports about the topic that we liked. I choose The Golden Age of Piracy and to be specific, Blackbeard. Here is my information report about him and other pirates and what they did. I hope d that you will enjoy reading it as I enjoyed writing it. Anyway have a nice day, bye!
Then after his death a historian author name Captain Charles Johnson wrote a book about him. This is what he said "Captain Teach assumed the cognomen [nickname] of Black-beard, from that large quantity of hair, which, like a frightful meteor, covered his whole face, and frightened America more than any comet that has appeared there in a long time.”
Not only that he sank the HMS Scarborough, he sank several more and even adding some of the ships that were captured into his fleet, to make him more stronger. He had a lot of men in his crew and fleet, the maximum was above 400 men that he personally commanded. Not only that but he made alliances with many powerful pirates at that time. He also had frigates, brigs (two of the biggest ships in that time), and other classes of powerful ship in his command.
Thatch return to Bathe Towne and sold all his booty then bought and became an “innocent” citizen not only that but he was also was given a pardon from “old friend”. After the pardon he then settled on Bath, Plum point, North Carolina.
Pirates, they roamed the seas for ages and for more ages to come. They like gold and rum, they destroy or board their enemies ships and kill their enemies men. How much do you know about pirates? How many pirate names have you heard of? Do you know about the legendary Blackbeard or Edward Thatch and what monstrous things that he did? Do you also know that he was named ”The devil’s brother”? Have you heard of his ship, the “Queen Anne’s Revenge? Do you know that the legendary pirate that roam the seven seas was beheaded? Here are just some of the information that I will tell you in this report, so come and join me and learn about the “Golden Age of Piracy”.
(Fun Fact) - The name “Pirate” was the name given to the sea riders or people who uses ships to rob, kill, slaughter people.
The first sightings of pirates was in the 14th Century BC, the so called “pirates” were the “Sea people”, who were a group of sea/ocean riders that commandeered the ships of the Aegean and Mediterranean people.
But, that time or age was not the “Golden Age”.(Fun Fact: the “Golden Age was the time that pirates were most successful). It was at the 1650’s when “Golden Age” began, and it spanned out up to the 1730’s. There were a lot of great pirates at the “Golden Age”, like William Kidd, Anne Bonny, Henry Morgan, Bartholomew Robert, and of course one of the most famous pirate today, Blackbeard; yet those were not the only great pirates there were more, a lot more.
There were less pirates that were women; the thing is men thought that when pirates has women in their ship it would bring bad luck. But they were proven wrong, one of the legendary pirates that ever was “Anne Bonny”, it was not just the fact that she was more ferocious than the other male pirates that proved them wrong it was also the fact that she was a captain.
Anne Bonny wasn’t the only one to be considered legendary, Edward Teach/Edward Thatch more likely to be known as Blackbeard was another legendary pirate.
There are not that much informations about Blackbeard in his early except that he set off to sea as a young man. In the 1701 there was a spanish war which lasted up to 1713 while in that time he became a privateer, which means he was a legalized pirate, and he can steal from trade ships. But when the war ended, he turned into piracy, like any other former privateers.
In the year 1716 he became a first mate and sailed under the command of Benjamin Hornigold. However, the year after that their crew attacked a number of merchant ships. Teach/Blackbeard’s former Captain, Hornigold wanted to give up piracy. Then shortly after that a man name Woodes Roger, a British Governor, was given a power to pardon any pirates that would accept their ways. Soon Hornigold sailed to the New Province and accepted the King’s Pardon.The “Concorde” was the last big captured ship of Hornigold and Teach, it was 300-ton frigate. Then after that, the ship that the duo commanded, The ‘Concorde” was given to Blackbeard. Blackbeard customize it, giving it 40- more guns and giving it the name “Queen Anne’s Revenge”
Though there are many legends that says Blackbeard always likes to take things rough, that legend actually not true; it’s actually the opposite, he likes to take things more lightly.
Even though there were more successful pirate, Blackbeard was still one of the most formidable and fearsome. One thing that proved this was when he sank the one of the most powerful war ship which was the (HMS - Her Majesty's Ship) Scarborough a warship (warships were the biggest and the most powerful ships at that time).
Blackbeard was tall man and has a big booming voice. He, of course has a big black beard, and according to some reports, his black beard had grown down to his waist. Some parts of his beard was put into ribbons and some were even put in braids. There were also statements that say before any engagement or conflict he take ropes made out of hemp plants and he slips them into his hat and lights them on fire. He does that so when as the rope burns, and gives out smoke near to his face, he will look more menacing.
He was also known for carrying extreme weapons. In that times there were weapons like cutlasses, a cutlass is basically a sword like weapon but smaller; and of course there we swords and pistols. Usually pirates has a sword or a cutlass then a single pistol that’s ready to fire;(In that time only flintlock pistols were the only pistols available, and they can only fire 1 shot before reloading again). But Blackbeard was different. He had a sword and a cutlass in his sides and several pistols in his holster!
But his sword and pistol wasn’t his best weapons it was his face, intimidation and his tactics. One of the things that prove this was in his lifetime he didn’t really have to fight to win. What he does is, scare his enemy with him ship and most importantly his face. He also use his smartness and tactics, like a chess player he was always a few moves ahead
He went on, saying:”This beard was black, which he suffered to grow of an extravagant length; as to breadth, it came up to his eyes; he was accustomed to twist it with ribbons, in small tails … and turn them about his ears: in time of action, he wore a sling over his shoulders, with three brace of pistols, hanging in holsters like bandoliers [a belt worn over the shoulder]; and stuck lighted matches under his hat, which appearing on each side of his face, his eyes naturally looking fierce and wild, made him altogether such a figure, that imagination cannot form an idea of a fury, from Hell, to look more frightful.”
It was not just his looks and weapons that gave him the reputation of a monster, it was also his actions. He took off the limbs of his captives and fed them to sharks, he also took ears of prisoners and fed it to them, he also took off the fingers of his victims that we slow to take their rings off. What’s even worst is that he turned to his crew, shot his men randomly, marooning them in a island, then roaming off when he didn’t want to share bounties with them . Either way, from all of that, I think, he really deserves the reputation and to be called “The devil’s brother”.
Not only that he sank the HMS Scarborough, he sank several more and even adding some of the ships that were captured into his fleet, to make him more stronger. He had a lot of men in his crew and fleet, the maximum was above 400 men that he personally commanded. Not only that but he made alliances with many powerful pirates at that time. He also had frigates, brigs (two of the biggest ships in that time), and other classes of powerful ship in his command.
At 1718 he stayed Barthe Town and started to capture ships passing by. The after that he went to Florida and encountered the “Revenge” a ship that was commanded by another famous pirate named Stede Bonnet. They became friends and each of them signed an agreement telling one another to sail as partners, but however after the agreement Blackbeard suddenly realized that Stede was a poor leader.
In that period Blackbeard started to add more ships onto his fleet, including the sloop, “Adventure”. Then after some months; in May 1718 he went to Charles Town (now called Charleston) and laid a siege. He seized about 8 ships including the great ship “Crowley”, a ship that transported Charleston citizens. That time though his crew we’re deceased at that time so Blackbeard made an ultimatum to a member of the Council of the Province of Carolina, Samuel Wragg and told him he needed medicines than money. Then saying all the people/prisoner and merchants that he captured from Charleston would be executed, then their heads would be delivered to the governor, he also said that he would burn the captured ships if he did not get the medicines; but if he did he would return all the people alive. Thankfully he received the medicine and he gave all the prisoners back and merchants alive.

In that time Blackbeard received a popularity during the siege, proving that he was not just a experienced ship captain, but also a fierce, formidable, fearless leader ready for any unexpected great adventures in the seven seas. The threat that he made and the gigantic plunder that he got made him the most reported pirate in the media in that era.
Unfortunately at that siege after six months of having the Queen Anne’s Revenge, it got lost and sunken in the bottom of the sea after hitting shallow waters. Luckily he survived, then what Blackbeard did was, he got on a sloop that he captured earlier in that year, the “Adventure” and marooned 20-30 man in an island, took their valuables, booty and roamed of.
But Blackbeard became unhappy of his position as an old citizen. That’s why once again he sailed to the seven seas but not as an ordinary pirate but as a privateer. But again he started to capture, destroy ships. killing people and taking their limbs off! But that didn’t last long...At November 22, 1718, he had what seemed like an ordinary battle, not knowingly that, that battle was his last. The cause of his death was when one of his guns misfired, so the two enemies that he was fighting got close, and one of them sliced him in the chest and the other one sliced him in the neck. After that his crew surrendered, the enemy that they were fighting, (Navy) took his body then cutted of his head and informed it to the other pirates as a threat.
In conclusion I still think that Blackbeard was one, or even the most formidable in the pirate history. Even though his legacy was not that long, he still proved himself as a fearless enemy and a lad not to be messed with. With that saying I think that what he must have said to himself was “A short life but a happy one”. That is the end of the story of “The Devil’s Brother”
information report,
Term 4 2017,
Thursday, November 9, 2017
What are Reflections?
This week we started to know about reflection. In this video I talked about how does a reflection work and basically I talked about, what a reflection is. Anyway I hoped that you've enjoyed this video, i know I did, I enjoyed making it while learning what reflections are. As always have a nice day, bye!
Monday, November 6, 2017
Digging holes for Term 4?
In Term 3 we've started to look at novels for reading. In that term I choose to read the Among The Hidden; this term we've been doing same novels studies but with another book this time the title of the book is "Holes by Louis Sachar". It's about a boy that was accused of something that he didn't do and went to Camp Green Lake. Then we started to work on the character traits, it is where I take a look of some of the characters at the first chapters and write them down and some information about them. It 's still a work in progress but here are some of them that are almost finished. I want to know what do you think needs an improvement; for example if you think that I need more information or description. If you have something that you think needs an improvement please comment down below. Any way have a nice day, bye!
Friday, November 3, 2017
What are tessellations?!
This week our math group, (Diamonds) started to learn about tessellations. After learning about tessellations, we had to make a DLO.If you don't know what tessellations are, tessellations are made up of different kinds of shapes, to know more please take a look of the video below. I hope that you'll like this video, have a nice day, bye!
Friday, October 27, 2017
Learning Geometry and Rotation.
This week and the week after we started to learn about geometry and rotation in math . These are the three videos about them. We also learnt names, symmetry, edges and corners of 2D & 3D shapes . Next we learnt about how to translate in maths, where you move an object in a certain direction. Also we looked at the Nets for 3D shapes to learn more please check out the video below. Lastly we also learnt about rotation, which was how to rotate things in certain ways. Thank you for looking into my blog, comment down below if these videos help you to understand 2 and 3D shapes, translations and rotation, bye!
Nets for 3D shapes
Canterbury Swim School: Then and Now.
The first two weeks of the term 4 was the weeks where we would take swimming lessons from Canterbury Swim School, (CSS) for short.I was supposed to do a blog post about the first day and how it was but, when I was uploading a video with it, the video won't stop uploading that's why I couldn't post it.(Sorry about that). Any way now that it seemed to be working I will tell you guys, about my experience. We rode a bus to get to the CSS; Then when we got there we always take off our shoes and socks and put them next to a wall.(Of course, who swims with their shoes on am I rig- oh yeah, my cousin does) Then at the changing rooms we take off our clothes that are on top of our swimming togs and then go to a set of benches and wait for our instructor. Surprisingly the instructor that I had this term was the instructor that I had last year.
Up until to day which was the last day the lessons were fun; my goal was to improve at swimming and I think I have achieved that goal. Today the last day we did something different which was learning what to do if you or another person is in danger when in water. I hope you liked my reflection about me going to Canterbury Swim School, have a nice day bye!
Any way here are some photos of us swimming:
Up until to day which was the last day the lessons were fun; my goal was to improve at swimming and I think I have achieved that goal. Today the last day we did something different which was learning what to do if you or another person is in danger when in water. I hope you liked my reflection about me going to Canterbury Swim School, have a nice day bye!
Any way here are some photos of us swimming:
Friday, September 29, 2017
Among the Hidden (Kit)
Focus: Thinking Critically about what you've read,.
This week is our final week at term 3 which means there are a lot of things to finish out. This DLO that we've finished is about the Novel Study that we started to study at the start of the term. We decided to be in groups and again I'm with Khush and Vann (again). This is about what the things that are important to the book or the main characters, either people or things. We made it in a google drawing and we also thing link. Here it is, it was really fun making the clay models that we did and it was also fun reading the book. Comment down below if you have read this book and if you liked our creation, bye!
Here is the link to the Thing link that we've done: https://www.thinglink.com/ scene/969776894436179972
This week is our final week at term 3 which means there are a lot of things to finish out. This DLO that we've finished is about the Novel Study that we started to study at the start of the term. We decided to be in groups and again I'm with Khush and Vann (again). This is about what the things that are important to the book or the main characters, either people or things. We made it in a google drawing and we also thing link. Here it is, it was really fun making the clay models that we did and it was also fun reading the book. Comment down below if you have read this book and if you liked our creation, bye!
Here is the link to the Thing link that we've done: https://www.thinglink.com/
Monday, September 25, 2017
Tips and tricks online! (Exclusive for pros and geniuses only!) "Not a Click Bait"
O.C.W.L.T Interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.
This Term, Term 3 for the last few weeks in cyber smart we've been learning about Netiquette. If you don't know, Netiquette are the rules about behavior that's applied when communicating with people online. Netiquette, came from the words net and also etiquette. The Etiquette are some rules of behavior that are considered to be good behavior/manners. It was really fun to learn how to reply appropriately to people online and I hope that you will reply that way too and use Netiquette. I think that Netiquette is really important because when your not doing the right thing online it could potentially hurt or upset people and it might also give a negative effect. My next step is to probably look for other things that's connected to Netiquette and how to be a pro online. Also another part of my next step is to us Netiquette, when ever I can.
How does Netiquette affect our relationships?
The Netiquette affect our relationships by making our manners better online, it also makes people's feelings better and it helps to make more friends.
Anyway if you want to please comment down below your answer to the question which was "How does Netiquette affect or relationships?". Also as always have a nice and a beautiful day, bye!!!
Also here are some more information about Netiquette: Link
This Term, Term 3 for the last few weeks in cyber smart we've been learning about Netiquette. If you don't know, Netiquette are the rules about behavior that's applied when communicating with people online. Netiquette, came from the words net and also etiquette. The Etiquette are some rules of behavior that are considered to be good behavior/manners. It was really fun to learn how to reply appropriately to people online and I hope that you will reply that way too and use Netiquette. I think that Netiquette is really important because when your not doing the right thing online it could potentially hurt or upset people and it might also give a negative effect. My next step is to probably look for other things that's connected to Netiquette and how to be a pro online. Also another part of my next step is to us Netiquette, when ever I can.
How does Netiquette affect our relationships?
The Netiquette affect our relationships by making our manners better online, it also makes people's feelings better and it helps to make more friends.
Anyway if you want to please comment down below your answer to the question which was "How does Netiquette affect or relationships?". Also as always have a nice and a beautiful day, bye!!!
Also here are some more information about Netiquette: Link
Friday, September 22, 2017
What are percentages?
WALT: Solve Percent Equations from Large number
This week I decided to do a math DLO that is not in screencastify please comment down below which one do you like best? The Screencastify or the slide. Anyway this strategy is about percentages and how to answer questions about them. To know more check this slideshow out. This strategy is really, really easy I learnt it very quick. I hope you'll find it easy to learn too, anyway have a nice day, and I hoped you've liked it, bye!
The life, of the life maker.
This week we focused on this video which is called partly cloudy, it is made by Disney. Then after watching the video we started to write about it and it became our guide. It is a story about friendship and being a best friend are a friend generally. I really hope that you'll like this story and I hope that you'll be inspired by it; have a nice day, bye!
By the way here is the video : "Partly Cloudy"
By the way here is the video : "Partly Cloudy"
"Partly Cloudy"
It’s the time when the sky turn yellowish and the clouds turn pink, they were as pink as the pink panther but where as fluffy as a silkie. The sun gave warm aura that left a cheerful mood on the sky.
In those clouds I could see many species of birds flying around and having fun, but one stands out of them all… Storks.
They deliver babies of any sort, from animals to humans. They carry them using blankets and deliver them to people/animal who ask for one. They deliver them to adults, they put the babies through windows and at the doorway, then knock on the door. They deliver them to adult humans, but also to adult animals, like dogs, etch.
They get these babies from clouds but not just any ordinary clouds but from magical ones called, life makers. They make them from pieces of cloud then shocks it to give it life. They form the creatures ears, head and the whole body. But before they give them to the storks to deliver, they sometimes play with them first and even give them treats to eat.
They are all happy and joyful and cheerful except for one. Gus… Gus the grey cloud. Nobody was friends with him and he was always under the others. But he’s not that lonely he had a best friend.
His best friend was also a stork and his name is Bob. He looked a bit more different that the others because some part of his body was almost featherless. This is why… When Gus started to make baby things he didn’t make cute and harmless creatures he still made creatures but, they were a bit harmful. At first he made a red bellied piranha that took some of Bob’s feather off. Next he made a big baby barracuda, that bit Bob’s leg with it’s teeth luckily his teeth was not that sharp. This is why Gus had no friends and also the reason that Bob looked more different than the others.
As Gus looked around he sees the other clouds making adorable creatures he went jealous. He took a piece of a cloud, he rolled it and molded it to an animal that so adorable and kawaii that the other clouds would get jealous of him. It was the time for giving it life, (zzzaaappp!). Then it turn into… a crocodile!!! The crocodile had razor sharp teeth, sharp fingernails and big, huge grin.
He thought that you know… it won’t be that bad, so he called Bob to deliver it. While waiting for Bob, Gus petted the crocodile and played around with him but it didn’t turn out good he bit Gus’s finger luckily Gus was a cloud so it didn’t hurt. All of a sudden Bob came Gus hugged Bob and then showed the baby croc.
“Hehehehe” Bob nervously laughed. Suddenly the baby croc pounce and grabbed into Bob’s head with his big mouth. “Whaghahah” Bob shouted so Gus grabbed the body and tail of the croc so he would let go. Finally the baby croc let go and quickly Gus put the baby croc in the blanket and gave it to Bob to deliver.
“Heh” Bob nervously laughed again, carefully Bob grabbed the top of the wrapped blanket and he carefully flew with it.
(10 minutes later, voice by the french guy in spongebob)
Before Bob returned, Gus prepared another chunk of cloud and for Bob to deliver;again. All of sudden Bob came. (More of his feathers were falling off by the way). Gus hugged Bob and then shocked the molded cloud and gave it life this time it was a baby Big horn. The baby ramed and headbutted Bob. Next after that Gus put the baby in the blanket for Bob to deliver again.
Suddenly Bob saw another life maker and another stork having fun with a dog. Gus noticed him looking at the others and felt hurt and felt that he wasn’t good enough. But then Bob quickly turned to Gus and smiled, then he took the baby and delivered it.
There were many unlucky encounters for Bob today, like when he got spiked by the porcupine made by Gus, etch. Then after Bob again Gus presented a mold of a shark!!!
It’s the time when the sky turn yellowish and the clouds turn pink, they were as pink as the pink panther but where as fluffy as a silkie. The sun gave warm aura that left a cheerful mood on the sky.
In those clouds I could see many species of birds flying around and having fun, but one stands out of them all… Storks.
They deliver babies of any sort, from animals to humans. They carry them using blankets and deliver them to people/animal who ask for one. They deliver them to adults, they put the babies through windows and at the doorway, then knock on the door. They deliver them to adult humans, but also to adult animals, like dogs, etch.
They get these babies from clouds but not just any ordinary clouds but from magical ones called, life makers. They make them from pieces of cloud then shocks it to give it life. They form the creatures ears, head and the whole body. But before they give them to the storks to deliver, they sometimes play with them first and even give them treats to eat.
They are all happy and joyful and cheerful except for one. Gus… Gus the grey cloud. Nobody was friends with him and he was always under the others. But he’s not that lonely he had a best friend.
His best friend was also a stork and his name is Bob. He looked a bit more different that the others because some part of his body was almost featherless. This is why… When Gus started to make baby things he didn’t make cute and harmless creatures he still made creatures but, they were a bit harmful. At first he made a red bellied piranha that took some of Bob’s feather off. Next he made a big baby barracuda, that bit Bob’s leg with it’s teeth luckily his teeth was not that sharp. This is why Gus had no friends and also the reason that Bob looked more different than the others.
As Gus looked around he sees the other clouds making adorable creatures he went jealous. He took a piece of a cloud, he rolled it and molded it to an animal that so adorable and kawaii that the other clouds would get jealous of him. It was the time for giving it life, (zzzaaappp!). Then it turn into… a crocodile!!! The crocodile had razor sharp teeth, sharp fingernails and big, huge grin.
He thought that you know… it won’t be that bad, so he called Bob to deliver it. While waiting for Bob, Gus petted the crocodile and played around with him but it didn’t turn out good he bit Gus’s finger luckily Gus was a cloud so it didn’t hurt. All of a sudden Bob came Gus hugged Bob and then showed the baby croc.
“Hehehehe” Bob nervously laughed. Suddenly the baby croc pounce and grabbed into Bob’s head with his big mouth. “Whaghahah” Bob shouted so Gus grabbed the body and tail of the croc so he would let go. Finally the baby croc let go and quickly Gus put the baby croc in the blanket and gave it to Bob to deliver.
“Heh” Bob nervously laughed again, carefully Bob grabbed the top of the wrapped blanket and he carefully flew with it.
(10 minutes later, voice by the french guy in spongebob)
Before Bob returned, Gus prepared another chunk of cloud and for Bob to deliver;again. All of sudden Bob came. (More of his feathers were falling off by the way). Gus hugged Bob and then shocked the molded cloud and gave it life this time it was a baby Big horn. The baby ramed and headbutted Bob. Next after that Gus put the baby in the blanket for Bob to deliver again.
Suddenly Bob saw another life maker and another stork having fun with a dog. Gus noticed him looking at the others and felt hurt and felt that he wasn’t good enough. But then Bob quickly turned to Gus and smiled, then he took the baby and delivered it.
There were many unlucky encounters for Bob today, like when he got spiked by the porcupine made by Gus, etch. Then after Bob again Gus presented a mold of a shark!!! Bob quickly flew away from getting bitten from a ocean dueler that are very treacherous.
Bob went to another cloud and seem that he was playing with them.
Gus went furious and he became wrathful, he struck lighting for second but then he sobbed; and his tears made rain. Unexpectedly Bob came back only to have a amor with him. He explain what happened and said that he only got an amor and was going back to Gus after getting an amor.
Gus hugged him and sobbed again; and they continued to be a team.
The End.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Slime Making!!!
Today the whole class is making slime for a fun day. We earned this fun day because we have filled our marble jar. The marble jar is a jar that we fill with marbles when we are being quiet or just by being amazing. We needed to fill it to get a fun day, where we can do fun and amazing things. Near the end of term 2, we filled our marble jar and choose ice cream for our fun day. Now this term, term 3 we filled it again. We had many things to choose from like making sushi s, a lolly cake, etch. But we choose to make slime. We are now in groups and choosing recipes of slime that we want.
This is the recipe/video:
This is the recipe/video:
WALT: Fractions- Solve part unknown problems using multiplication and division.
This is a strategy that we've learn this week which was to solve part unknown problems using multiplication and division. This strategy was very easy to learn and was very easy to use. I hope that you'll use when answering par unknown problems, bye!
The Man On The Piano
This story is about a man that played the piano and he is trying to pass his memories to his grandson by his music and things that he passed on to him. By playing the music he remembered happy and also some sad memories throughout his life. This is the story was from a video that we watched this week, we were supposed to write a story about it, and the video was our guide line. I hoped that you'll like it!
- I know I will be successful when …
- Re-call what is happening in the video.
- Use adjectives and experiment with language features.
- Use paragraphs correctly.
- Begin sentences with different/ interesting sentence starters.
Here is the video:
Distressing, somber, drab those are the words that describe my music. I’m playing my old, classic piano and playing the music that I had always played when I was with my wife, when she was alive.The tone was as gentle and as fragile as a butterfly. Every single notes brought back many treasured memories that are as cherished as gold and diamond. I remembered those days like they were yesterday, when we were doing a duet on the piano. But even if she isn’t here when I play this music I’ll always feel her warm aura and love on my cheek and deep in my heart. Suddenly my depressing, sorrowful, crestfallen rhythm turned into a bit more exultant of a music.
I didn’t just remembered happy memories but I also remembered forlorn moments in my life, and one of them was about the great world war. My bestfriend and I joined it as we thought that it would be a fun adventure. Although when we were there we didn’t see men smiling laughing and having a fun time, but men dying one after the other.
I was assigned to be taking care of the men who got shot. Soldiers fell fast like they were a row of dominoes.
While the world was having the war I felt a strange tinge in the air. It was hatred and anger, mix up…. that feeling was malevolence. The malevolence filled all of their mind, and it also started to fill mine.
All of the soldiers started to shoot their guns not even trying to hide or trying to take cover. (Bang!) I looked to my side and saw John lying on the floor spreading more and more blood. I tried to save him, however it was too late, but before he died he was able to speak one more time and said “Jack my friend, it’s my time- don’t worry we will me aga-”. Before he could finish sentence, he passed away.
Lastly my final memory is the memory when I was a child when my dad gave me the a wooden hobby horse and I that exact horse is the present that I gave my grandson. As I finish my music I gave my grandson my book and my music filled with memories that are filled with love. When I hit the last note, I was suddenly transferred into a place where I saw John and my wife standing in front of me.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Facts About Me!!!
Today the 6th of September, we were doing a summit/workshop. Where we would have students from the Uru Manuka cluster to get together and share some website orb apps that we use. One of the schools shared this website which is Piktochart, what we needed to do is, we had to put random facts about ourselves. As you can see this one is about my self. If you would like to, put some random facts about yourselves at the comments and I would read them so I could learn more about you. Have a nice day, bye!
Monday, September 4, 2017
HPS Extravaganza!!!
This term, term 3 Ako Ngatahi have been looking at NZ songs from famous people that lived in NZ, a New Zealander. We had a bunch of songs to choose from to perform in the Hornby High school Auditorium we will perform for two days, so if people missed out on the first one they could go the other one. I choose the song "We Don't Know How Lucky We Are" (Performed by Fred Dagg/ John Clarke in the 1970's). Some people who also choose "We Don't Know How Lucky We Are" became my group, their names were Vann, Khush and Aisa. We performed it yesterday which was at the 30th of August and we will perform it today too which would be at the 31st of August. Of course we had costumes too, we had to wear flannel shirt, shorts and a bucket hat. I was not only in that performance, I was in the cultural dance too, with Vann and some other Filipinos. Before we performed I was a bit nervous, but less nervous than when it was my first time performing in front of a stage. I think my group and the other group did very well. We all smiled at the audience while performing our "dance" and being enthusiastic. I think I did a good job at performing my group's dance because I gave it my best.
This is the music video:
Monday, August 21, 2017
"The Shadow Children" (Among The Hidden)
W.A.L.T retell a important part of the story
This term on reading we have been learning about four kinds of novels. Among the Hidden, Holes, Freak the Mighty, Number the Stars those are the four books that we could choose from. I choose Among the Hidden. It was about a boy named Luke and he is a shadow child/third child. In that story the place that they live in is a place where nobody can have a third child. If you had a third child and he or she was found out, your child will get taken away or be killed. Your child could get away with it but you'll need... Money, and lots of them.
That's just what I'm gonna tell you, read the book to know the whole story.
As I said, I choose Among the Hidden. Then this week we needed grab one or two people to help you to retell the most important part of the story. My partners we're Khush and Vann. But we thought instead of doing one important part, we all the important parts of the story from Chapter 1-8 .
It was a bit tricky to come up on what we needed to write and was a bit tricky when doing the drawing because I don't know they're faces. That a side we've finished it and I hope you'll like it.
Among the Hidden,
Novel study,
Term 3 2017
Friday, August 18, 2017
This is a story about robots, pirates and a captain. It was inspired by a video that we watched this week. I changed the end, and made the characters from “The Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise. I really enjoyed writing as I am reading it. I hope you'll like this story, bye!
(The characters/pirates and their weapon are from “The Pirates of the Caribbean”)
We’re sailing to the horizon at sunset in the “Black Pearl”, the sun was as beautiful as amber and gold and the sea was as shiny as sapphire. We are hunting and searching for treasure as any normal pirates would, then we saw this gigantic ship, sailing, and that ship had enormous metal boxes at the back. The ship not like any other that we’ve seen in our lives because it was made in metal too.
“Jack-” called out Mr.Gibbs. (Mr.Gibbs is me first mate)
“Perhaps ye think that we’ve went in another dimension.” he continued.
“Yes Mr.gibbs I think that too. But it’s not like the first time that we did this.” I replied.
“Captain Jack Sparrow, while we’re he should we go and steal what’s in the boxes? They’d probably contain gold.” said Marty
“I’ll think about it. Yes! Let’s steal the booty!” I shouted loudly to the crew.
We unfolded our sails and went straight to the ship. The ship was amazing and was unbelievably huge, for a second I wanted it to be me ship. Then, just as we got on, an alarm went off. (Wee!Woo!Wee!Woo!).We ignored it and continued. We didn’t see any soldiers but we saw a captain. His suit were more abnormal than usual. Because now he is only wearing blue and white with brushes on the shoulders and also with a big hat, instead of wearing a red, blue and white suit.
Two of my crewmates tied up his hands so he can’t move them
I pointed my old but despicable gun at the man with the big hat and said “What are in those boxes or safes or whatever. Do they contain gold?”
“No, pirate, they just contain fish-” he said angrily.
“What? You liar, liar and your bums on fire-” I interrupted
“Also my name is Captain Jack Sparrow, not pirate!” after I said that, Mr. Gibbs knocked him out using a pan and the captain fell over.
We went to the containers and looked inside them. We saw, fishes.
“Oh, he didn’t lie.” When I said that, a creature made out of tin can/metal jumped out from the basement and it said “Boo!’’.
“Whaaaa!Aaah!” we all ran out terrified. We all spread like ants running from water.More of them came and started to capture us. All of us got captured, even me.
A couple of minutes later. We heard gunshots and shouting, then out of nowhere Barbosa came and freed us. “Jack, ye owe me one. I knew that ye were here because I asked Jamaica” he said. “Oh! Her!” I said back
We my crew left in a hurry away from the metal monsters, but before I left, I shouted “You should remember this day, as this is the day that you almost caught Captain Jack-” before I completed me words, a bird pooped on my face.(Actually it was on my mouth).
The End.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
NZ's Music Month!
This term we will perform in the HHP stage, the performance is about old New Zealand songs/singers like Fred Dagg, etch. But before we perform, we needed to learn more about the NZ music month, and know more about our favorite singer from NZ. I made a slide to show what I've done or what I know, now.
Friday, August 11, 2017
W.A.L.T add and subtract fractions
These two strategies are what we've learn this week. It was very fun learning them and answering the questions about them. I made this DLO so you can learn these strategies. It might be hard when your simplifying them but it will be easy when you get the hang of it.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
The Ridge
This is a story about Danny Macaskill and he did this journey it was very fun to write and the video was very fun to watch.
Here is the video
The Ridge
I’m going to a paradise that I’ve kept for myself, but first I need to ride a kayak and go across to the mountain, then make my way to the other side.
I got my kayak and my bike, then drove of to my paradise.
The water was like that of Antarctica, glacial like dry ice. I rowed and rowed and rowed, looking at the magnificent view that I was in. As I looked around I saw this seal going and following me, he followed me until I was near to the dry land and to the mountain, I waved goodbye and I went off to continue with my journey.
I left my kayak on the shore, then took my bike and went up to the mountains. Using my bike I jumped to rocks after rocks, to get to the paradise that I seek.
I looked left and right, and I saw the beautiful view of “Isle of Skye”. I saw many ridged mountains high and low. I also saw greenlands that are as green as a lime.
I went up and up high to the top. Then as I went further and further I saw my favorite checkpoint. I got off my bike, then carried it while I climbed to the top of the “Sgurr Dearg” a mountain of my home land. The view was a sight to be seen. From that high I could touch the blue sky and the white fluffy clouds.
While I was at the top of that mountain I took off my bike from my back and sat in it and took a rest. But after that I carried on on my adventurous journey to my elysium. At last after many hours of riding my bike to get to my valhalla, I got there. It was a coast full of wildlife, crabs, shells and much more.
That paradise is my home.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
A day of "Buster the Boxer"
This is a video based story that we started this week it is called "Buster the Boxer" It is about a dog named Buster at Christmas time. We had to watch a video and then write a story about it. Anyway I hope you will enjoy my story!
This is the video: Link
Buster the Boxer
Today is the hypothermic, night before Christmas and all I could see is this girl’s bed that’s decorated like Christmas tree. She jumps and hops around, excited to see, her gift from “Santa”.
But when I look outside the house, all I could see, are white back yards full of snow. But, that is not all! Jane’s dad, (my owner’s father) is building a trampoline.
He tried his hardest to build that gigantic thing, he even got hurt trying to bend a piece of metal that’s for the base. Yet when I see the finish product I saw that it was great. However as my eyes coruscate with excitement, I saw two foxes go to the trampoline and jump with enjoyment.
I could all hear what they’re saying, but the humans can’t. Then a couple of moments later, I see this badger saying “Can I join you?”
“Of Course you can!” said one of the fox.
“Now, just jump in the net and hop around.” said the the other.
The badger hopped and jumped with triumph, then more animals to join the fun.
I could see them enjoying themselves, while I, Buster sitting down and not having a good time.
More animals came, and did something that was not lame. There were squirrels too, they join the others and jumped around. I could see them having the time of their lives. But I said to myself that tomorrow, I would also have some fun.
Today is the day that I would have fun, I quickly went to the kitchen to have a bun. I finished eating it and waited to go, outside while there are still lots of snow, (I like snow).
Just as Jane’s mother opened the door, I ran for my life to get to the small hole, (the trampoline had a net around it). I jump and hopped with joy, as people looked at me like I’m weirdo but I didn’t care of any of that because now I’m leaping with joy...
Friday, July 28, 2017
W.A.L.T tell 24 hour time
This is my video teaching you guys the 24 hour time if you don't know it yet. It is very easy to learn it, just like how you learn 12 hour time. Anyway I how you will learn it if you already haven't.
24 hour time,
Term 2 2017
Friday, July 7, 2017
No Sun by James Brown
W.A.L.T create a presentation that gives a visual recount of a poem.
W.A.L.T read fluently.
This week in reading we looked at poem and as a group of two or three to read it. We chose a poem titled "No Sun" . It was fun reading it with my group/friends and it was fun reading it in a Darth Sidious voice. The processes was fun too, we had many bloopers. Anyway here are the videos.
W.A.L.T read fluently.
This week in reading we looked at poem and as a group of two or three to read it. We chose a poem titled "No Sun" . It was fun reading it with my group/friends and it was fun reading it in a Darth Sidious voice. The processes was fun too, we had many bloopers. Anyway here are the videos.
This video is Vann, Jullien and I reading the poem
This one is made by me in my normal voice
Then for the Star Wars fans I tried to do the voice of Darth Sidious
Term 2 2017
"My 6 words challenge"
W.A.L.T to write a 6 word story
I know I will be successful when I choose my words carefully, do they...
- Capture the mood
- Capture the message
- Capture the setting
- Does it make sense
This week in writing we've been learning about doing the 6 word challenge. It is a challenge where you make a story only using 6 words. It is challenging, because you have to choose you words carefully, and make sure it sounds right. But on the other end it's fun making them. I did four kinds of 6 words topic. The first one is about a video that we watched, the second and third one is about two of the three pictures that our teacher showed us and the last one is about a random topic. Here they are.
- 6 words challenge for the Mountain topic:
Dreams are arduous as climbing Everest.
Climbing only one mountain isn’t enough.
2 . 6 words challenge for the third picture.
Jumped into a hole, to abyss.
3. 6 words challenge for the second picture.
Watching as two legendary beast clash.
4. 6 words challenge for the random topic:
Intelligence, ability to adapt to change.
Zombies, creatures, dead in many ways.
Today is my day - Mr.Wednesday (If you know Norse mythology, Wednesday means Woden, and Woden means Odin, the father of Thor and Loki)
Abaddon, ugly monster he is. ( Abaddon -A demon that is as powerful as Satan)
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