
Monday, February 17, 2020

Goal Setting: My Goals for this Year - Year 9

Last year, at the end of last year; I have achieved goals that have set at the beginning of that year. Since then wanted and craved for more goals to set; in the beginning weeks of this term, we were tasked with setting our goals towards now being a year 10. The goals that I've set were not only academic or at school but also my personal goal that I want to subjugate by the end of the year. Starting with my academic goals; I've set myself in trying the best that I can to get the "General Excellence" award, trophies-- Junior Chess Champion--. Not only, yet also being able to seize and be able to be the first in my subjects; as well as surpassing my standards and aiming higher for the following year.
Relating to my academic goals, I also have my work-ons, goals that I need to have achieved before being a year 10. Which are:

  • I am an outstander - I choose to help others who are having a difficult time.

  • I feel confident sharing my work

  • I can set goals, self-assess and make learning connections.

  • I can think outside the square

  • I communicate thoughts and ideas so that others can understand.

Image result for chessOn a different topic, as mentioned I also have my personal goals; one of my bigger personal goals is being able to master calculus, quantum physics and relativity. I have long been interested in those topics; I have been fascinated and have questioned myself about those ideas. Not only that but I also want to learn more about psychology--purposeful--when it comes to working with other people. I have started a move towards psychology and have discovered what called the "Troxler Effect" a sometimes scary "brain glitch" that explains why we sometimes "see" on the sides of our eyes; why when we stare at our selves for several periods of time we start to perceive "monsters"...
Image result for troxler effect
Being better at my hobbies per se is another goal that I have; chess, arts, literature, music and even politics. But ultimately the goal that I would love to achieve again this year is being happier, thinking optimistically and being more positive than I already am.

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