Mac n Cheese

I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
In this part of the hurumanu, math, we began to look at tesselattions, tranfering into geometry. For this we look at the angles for such shapes, how each reflect, rotate and translate. One of the first activities that we did was making our own tesselations, colouring and cutting out patterns that are of symetry. Then we look at using a site in which to help us gain better knwoledge about how geometry works. For this we use Euclidea; a site where you need to accomplish task that would require the knowledge of how each of the shapes relate into each other. Moving forward we then look at the last of our topics. Algebra has been the main focus in this part of the hurumanu for several weeks. We first look at patterns and then started into a more complex algebra that need equations. Matheletics tasks were introduced, from graphs and other algebric forms. Finally, in this week we now make a presentation about algebra that would relate into the other part of this hurumanu, science. For this we look at the Fibonacci sequence, the natures code and we continue forward into making the presentattion which we have now finished.
I have enjoyed this huruamnu greatly, I enjoyed learning about both algebra and geometry. The geometry that is with specific point into the angles, I enjoy the math that is needed for solving such questions. I like also the complecation that is involve in algebra, the representation using letters and both the "vagueness" of using such methods. With the Fibonacci sequence I enjoy looking at it's peculiarity, how it cconnects to most of botany, the mystery behind such sequence and its future use.
Aim: To produce an electrical current using Lemons.
We further continued our learning of electricity, volts, voltage and amps. By such in this hurumanu, we created diagrams, the diagrams each contains different types and ways in which a circuit can be made. For this, we created 4 circuits with half being series and the others parallel. In a series circuit, all are connected together in a single path. If a bulb has exploded the others will be affected by this and as such, they will all turn off. However, in a parallel, the electricity is separated and thus this will result in the disturbance of the other bulbs if one has exploded.
In our wananga time, we have have been begininng to learn more about people, morality and sociallity. For this we have begun to accomplish activities that would realte into this topic. In which now, is about what and how we can control our emotions. For this we look back at the times where we did something that we regretted as it was aggressive or was out of anger. The memories flooded in and I chose an instance in which I could've "performed" better if wit was used. A line I thought about after the event was "Not if I see you first!"; pretty much the story can be summarized with that phrase. We then further discussed after the activity about the other things that can be done when in situations where a person is being unpeasant to us. Deeds such as smiling, walking away, ignoring, deep breaths, stopping and thinking would make it in a better situation. However, personally I would much rather come up with a witty comeback, sarcasm and or smilling rather than ignoring.