Concluding this part activity we are--"In your own words, describe what the soldiers discover. What impact does the discovery have on the soldiers?"
The Jewish.Starved prisoners. They paid a sentence for which they were not guilty of. The Nazis, in the hundreds of thousands they arrested only several thousand were found alive, barely so. Their bodies drained of life, limbs like twigs--face withered. Many could hardly move, forced labour and malnutrition; suffering such conditions for months and years. There were masses of evidence to suggest the massacre that occurred in the Nazi abandoned camps. Bodies lay unburied, many more burnt. Hundreds of thousands of clothes were found, thousands of kilograms of hair as well. The dread that lingered through the camps was indescribable. One could only try to feel the shock that the allied soldiers were faced with. It's unimaginable how much malevolence was needed to perform these acts of sadism and torture. We can only hope that such poor souls now are able to rest.

Axle - Your description of what the soldier saw is powerful and makes us able to picture what was happening even without photo's. I liked how you used "us"to indicate that even now from this film we will have some understanding of what happened. Well done.